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Dear %CustomerName%,
Thank you for ordering our CV writing service. In accordance with your booking we will endeavour to provide a first draft of your new CV by %VariantName%.
In order to ensure that we can deliver that first draft on time we will need to receive the following information at least 5 days before:
For all posts:
1 - A copy of your current CV
2 - Any update on the current CV ie any information that you wish to add to it which is not already included within it.
3 - Any information you think we should know or particular angles you would like us to take into consideration.
For consultant and GP posts:
4 - If you are applying for a specific post, a copy of the job description and person specification for that post
5 - If you are not applying for a specific post, a copy of the job description and person specification for that post for a post which is representative of the type you would be applying for.
Once we have received the information, we will make a start on writing the first draft of your CV. This will contain further requests for information.
Please note that the writing of your CV may be delayed if the information is not provided at least 5 days before the deadline for the first draft.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards
Olivier Picard
ISC Medical
0845 226 9487